Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is an international campaign to promote the importance of neuroscience education and research to the public. It occurs in Mid-March, and during BAW the Neuroscience Program students and faculty travel to local schools with activities and presentations. We finish the week with our annual Neuroscience Fair, which is free to the public, and hundreds of visitors engage with our volunteers, learn some neuroscience, and always have a great time. But obviously not every classroom can be visited, and not everyone lives close enough to attend events like ours. So this year, the folks at asked if we would participate in a webinar designed to share neuroscience with everyone.
I am lucky enough to work with amazing collaborators who also value outreach, and with the help of Zachary Grieb, a graduate student in the Neuroscience Program, and Nicholas Hobbs, a post-doctoral researcher, we created a three part presentation that covered the human brain, animal brain, and at home (or in the classroom) activities. You can watch the videos below, and visit for lots of great neuroscience information.
At home activities (by Casey)
Human brains (by Zach)
Animal brains (by Nick)