Online MA/Grad Cert Collaboration Meeting
This morning Leigh Graves Wolf from the MSU Hub for Innovation in Learning and Technology organized a collaborative meeting with directors of online and hybrid Masters and Graduate Certificate programs at MSU. It was the first time this group had ever met in one location. The group varied from individuals that manage programs that have been successful for years to people like me who are in the process of creating new programs to those who have yet to start the process of program creation. Strengths and weakness were discussed, some solutions were found, partnerships were formed, resources were shared. Everyone agreed these meetings should continue in the future.
The main topics covered were finances & marketing, admissions & registrar, curriculum development & technology, and advising & student experience. Some aspects I feel like I have a good handle on, like curriculum development and tech (of course, there is always more to discuss and learn!). But some topics like marketing or managing the software systems associated with admissions, I have no experience with at all. It’s collaborations like this that are really going to provide me with a support system that can help me learn the ins and outs of program management.
I’m really excited about moving forward with this group and continuing to learn about the administrative side of the university.