Casey Henley, PhD

Casey L. Henley

Director of Online Programs
Neuroscience Program
Digital Accessibility Coordinator
College of Natural Science
Assistant Professor
Department of Physiology
Michigan State University



mcgove14 at msu dot edu





293 Farm Lane Room 108



Accessibility, active learning, equitable grading, hybrid / hyflex, inclusive pedagogy, instructional alignment, team-based learning, Quality Matters, 3-Dimensional Learning, ungrading, Universal Design for Learning

Educational Technology

Camtasia, Desire 2 Learn, Flipgrid, Google Classroom, H5P, Microsoft Class Teams, Pressbooks, Zoom


Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, CSS, HTML, jquery, Mura, WCAG 2.0, WordPress



Ph.D., Zoology

Michigan State University

B.S., Human Biology, With Honors

Michigan State University

B.S., Zoology, With Honors

Michigan State University


Online Teaching Certificate

Online Learning Consortium

Postdoctoral Teaching Scholar

Michigan State University

Business Management and Communication Skills Certificate

Michigan State University


Director of Online Programs, Assistant Professor


Academic Specialist – Teacher


Neuroscience Program, Physiology Department, Michigan State University

  • Direct the Medical Neuroscience Graduate Certificate Program
  • Develop and teach undergraduate and graduate courses
  • Act as Academic and Web Accessibility Policy Liaison to the College
  • Assist faculty with development and improvement of accessible teaching materials by implementing evidence-based teaching practices
  • Co-coordinate Neuroscience Program Outreach events
  • Designed and manage the MSU Neuroscience Program websites

Digital Accessibility Coordinator


College of Natural Science, Michigan State University

  • Manage academic accessibility needs for the college
  • Collect, assess, and distribute SpartanAlly D2L data to departments
  • Coordinate NatSci Academic Accessibility Liaisons

Senior Research Associate


Post-Doctoral Research Associate


Marc Breedlove, Ph.D. and Cynthia Jordan, Ph.D.
Neuroscience Program, Michigan State University

Post-Doctoral Research Associate

2009 – 2011

David Kreulen, Ph.D.,
Physiology Department, Michigan State University


Michigan State University


Co-PI; PI; Caitlin Kirby

“Improving Learning Outcomes and Equity in Blended Online and Face-to-Face Learning”

Co-PI; PI; Caitlin Kirby

“Blended Course Design: Impacts on Student Learning Outcomes and on Students with Disabilities”
Spencer Foundation


Michigan State University

Open Education Resource (OER) Award


MSU Libraries
Continuous Improvement of OER – Foundations of Neuroscience

OER Leadership Award


Recognition for using OER in the classroom

OER Award


MSU Libraries
Creation of a new OER – Foundations of Neuroscience

Designation B Status


Promoted to a 3-year appointment cycle

Letters of Recognition


Interim Provost, Theresa Sullivan
Associate Provost for Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Jeff Grabill
Received letters of recognition for my role in helping faculty transition to remote learning

STEM Teaching and Learning Fellow


College of Natural Science
Program to improve undergraduate STEM courses by engaging faculty to implement 3 dimensional learning for undergraduate science practices

Faculty Accessibility Fellow


College of Natural Science, College of Arts and Letters, Broad College of Business
Program to improve academic accessibility practices at the university

Faculty Teaching Prize Winner


College of Natural Science
Recognition of excellent teaching

AT&T Award Winner


Faculty and Staff Award Competition in Instructional Technology, MSU IT
NEU 841 Medical Neuroscience, Best Fully Online Course

Adams Academy Fellow


Academic Advancement Network
Year-long fellowship focused on teaching and learning awarded to twelve faculty and staff


Michigan State University

Medical Neuroscience & Neuroscience and the Law Graduate Certificate Programs


2015 – present
  • Created program curriculum for two one-year (12 credit), fully online, transcriptable graduate certificate programs
  • Developed program goals and objectives that will be met by course curriculum
  • Track academic performance and progress for all enrolled students, including graduation approval
  • Responsible for annual assessment and review of the programs to promote student success
  • Advise program faculty on effective online pedagogy including Universal Design for Learning, equitable and inclusive practices, and Backward Design principles
  • Support faculty with online course accessibility needs
  • Manage collaborations with other departments and colleges
  • Design program web presence and marketing materials
  • Mentor Neuroscience and the Law Graduate Certificate Program Director through the process of updating and editing courses and program curriculum

Digital Accessibility Coordinator, College of Natural Science

2022 – present
  • Manage academic accessibility needs for the college
  • Collect, assess, and distribute SpartanAlly D2L data to departments
  • Coordinate NatSci Academic Accessibility Liaisons

Equitable Pedagogy: Removing Barriers to Learning


2022 – present
  • Lead monthly discussions on topics of equitable and inclusive pedagogy in higher education
  • Select and organize readings for meetings
  • Share and revise curriculum from members of the community to implement equitable practices

Creating Equitable Instruction Through Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Learning Community


2017 – 2022


  • Lead monthly discussions on topics of accessibility, equitable and inclusive pedagogy, and UDL in higher education
  • Share and revise curriculum from members of the community to implement UDL practices
  • Present yearly summary at Academic Advancement Network Spring Teaching and Learning Conference
  • Since 2016, the focus of the learning community has broadened from accessibility to equitable instruction and UDL
  • Created self-enrolling Desire 2 Learn course for MSU faculty to learn about improving accessibility in the classroom

Open Pedagogy Learning Community


2020 – present
  • Community explores how open pedagogy and open education practices are enabled through OER
  • Participants read works and share practices that promote open pedagogy and discuss specific approaches for improving teaching, learning, and student engagement both in-person and online environments

Foundations of Neuroscience, Open Edition

Author, Illustrator

  • Open Education Resource textbook that removes textbook costs from students
  • Aimed at undergraduate students new to the field of neuroscience
  • Selected as one of Pressbooks’ favorite OER of 2021

Exam Design Workshop

Creator, Facilitator

  • Requested by the Hub for Innovation in Teaching and Learning to create and facilitate a two-hour online workshop offered to all university faculty that covered how to use auto-graded quizzes and exams digitally
  • Topics included academic integrity in the online classroom, how to write good multiple-choice and short-answer questions, and creating quizzes in D2L

Spartan Online Instructional Readiness Educational Experience (SOIREE)


  • Requested by the Hub for Innovation in Teaching and Learning to co-facilitate a one-week workshop on teaching and learning in response to the emergency remote shift to online instruction due to the pandemic
  • The workshop consisted of both synchronous and asynchronous components


Michigan State University

Medical Neuroscience (NEU 841)


2016 – present
  • Implement inclusive and equitable pedagogy practices into course structure including revisions on summative assessments, flexibility with deadlines, transparent communication, and integration of Universal Design for Learning guidelines to remove barriers to information
  • Integrate formal cooperative learning groups into online learning environment
  • Create learning goals and objectives that target the full range of cognitive domains of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
  • Design group activities that align with learning goals from a backward design perspective to increase student engagement with the material
  • Use summative and formative assessments to evaluate teaching methods and student learning outcomes

Neurobiology (NEU 300, formerly ZOL/IBIO 402)


2015 – present
  • Integrated formal cooperative learning groups into a hybrid, flipped-classroom teaching methodology
  • Create learning goals, assignments, and assessments that focus on scientific practices as modeled by 3-Dimensional Learning, a research-based approach toward facilitating a coherent, in-depth understanding of the sciences

Assistant Instructor

2008, 2012 – 2014
  • Assisted with above responsibilities
  • Developed a neurobiology short answer concept inventory

Graduate Teaching Assistant

2007 – 2008
  • Designed a team-based learning course for an upper level Neurobiology course
  • Created decision-making and problem-solving group activities
  • Developed teaching assessments to evaluate team-based teaching methodology
  • Assisted with team-based and lecture sections of upper level Neurobiology course

Strategies in Neuroscience Research (NEU 807)

Guest Instructor

  • Introduced first-year graduate students to MSU resources for student success

Neuroscience and Society (NEU 215)


  • Created group activities that engaged students in interpreting data, comparing scientific literature with popular press articles, and communicating science to the public
  • Applied teaching pedagogy practices listed above

Neurobiology of Disease (PHM 480)

Guest Instructor

2013 – 2017
  • Developed an active learning activity for a single class session on the neuromuscular disorder Kennedy’s Disease (2013, 2014) and post-traumatic stress disorder (2015 – 2017)

Cells and Molecules (BS 161)

Guest Instructor

  • Developed an active learning activity for a single class session on epigenetics and maternal behavior

Methods in Neuroscience Laboratory (NEU 806)

Guest Instructor

  • Taught rodent perfusions to Neuroscience and Psychology graduate students

Cellular and Integrative Physiology (PSL 828)

Assistant Instructor

  • Developed active learning mini modules on the autonomic nervous system for Physiology and Pharmacology/Toxicology graduate students
  • Guided integrative discussion on the autonomic nervous system

Graduate Research Forum (NEU 800)

Assistant Instructor

  • Developed active learning mini module on integrating active learning into the classroom for Neuroscience graduate students

Fundamentals of Genetics (ZOL 341)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

  • Held administrative teaching assistant position in an upper level Genetics course
  • Oversaw six teaching assistants responsible for leading recitation sections
  • Lead two weekly recitation sections of 35 undergraduates in an upper level Genetics course

Marine Biology (ZOL 353)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

  • Lead two weekly discussion sections of 20 undergraduates in an upper level Marine Biology course


Michigan State University

MSU / UPCEA Consulting Working Group


2022 – present
  • Consulting project with University Professional and Continuing Education Association commissioned by Interim President Woodward to explore the landscape of continuing and lifelong education
  • Provide suggestions and feedback about the process and reports

Physiology Department Education Development Committee


2022 – present
  • Promote and develop teaching in the department
  • Assist instructors with education-related needs and questions
  • Provide a framework for mentoring/assisting faculty in their teaching

College of Natural Science Faculty Annual Evaluation Committee


2021 – 2022
  • Develop a template for annual progress reports that includes an opportunity for reflection and prospection of faculty accomplishments and goals for the coming year and that clearly communicates the values and expectations of the department and college.
  • Make recommendations on how individual efforts in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion and positive contributions to the department climate and culture can be acknowledged and rewarded in the annual evaluation process.
  • Revise the NatSci annual evaluation form that is submitted to the college and included in RPT dossiers so that the form is expectations based and expectations are clearly defined for advancement in rank

Associate Provost of Undergraduate Education Educators Empowering Student Success Committee


2021 – present
  • Gain a greater understanding of how faculty think about student success and their relationship to it
  • Provide engagement and feedback in the creation of MSU’s Student Success strategy
  • Gather faculty feedback on solving complex student success challenges
  • Learn what the most helpful educator professional development might look like

College of Natural Science Academic and Web Accessibility Policy Liaison


2016 – 2021
  • Contact between NatSci and the Neuroscience Program for all digital accessibility policies, needs, and concerns

MSU Ed Tech Landscape Advisory Group


  • Selected individuals asked to provide insight into software usage on campus, specifically adoption, implementation, and sunsetting of education technology

Microsoft Education Transformation Framework Discussion Group


  • Met with members of the Microsoft Education Team to discuss ways in which faculty use the Microsoft suite of applications, challenges, and requests

Colleges Online Workgroup


2015 – 2020
  • Participate in monthly discussions on best practices for online learning
  • Focus on meeting Quality Matters standards in teaching

Adams Academy 2.0 Learning Community


2019 – 2020
  • Participate in monthly discussions surrounding improving the peer-evaluation experience for faculty

Enhanced Digital Learning Initiative (EDLI) Search Committee



College of Natural Science Education Technology Committee


  • Committee tasked with providing remote teaching resources to NatSci instructors via the Together We Will pages on the NatSci website

College of Natural Science Emergency Remote Teaching Committee


  • Provided remote teaching resources to Natsci instructors
  • Created a workshop and related D2L community for developing a plan for online lab courses

AT&T Awards in Instructional Technology



Insights and Beyond: How Can Course-Based Analytics Be Useful to Instructors? Learning Community


  • Participate in monthly discussions on gathering and using student data in teaching
  • Engaged with Desire 2 Learn Statistics, Desire 2 Learn Insights, and the Student Data Hub

Online Presence and Public Scholarship Working Group

Selected Member

  • Participated in weekly co-work sessions designed to create, improve, and maintain individual digital presence
  • Created personal WordPress website as part of the Domain of One’s Own initiative at MSU

Neuroscience Program Curriculum Committee




Michigan State University

Brain Bee at MSU


2014 – present


2011 – 2013
  • Organize and direct a one-day neuroscience competition for Michigan high school students
  • Design and manage the event website and create marketing materials
  • Recruit volunteers

Neuroscience Fair

Assistant Coordinator

2011 – present
  • Assist in the preparation and management of a one-day, free to the public event that includes over thirty neuroscience activities and community booths
  • Communicate neuroscience topics to the general public, including children of all ages
  • Design new activities

Mathematics, Science, and Technology at Michigan State University


  • Assisted in the organization and management of a two-week, hands on summer program for academically talented middle school students hosted by MST at MSU, a division of the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program
  • Designed age-appropriate curriculum that promoted student engagement
  • Applied gamification practices to increase student motivation and enjoyment

Brain Awareness Week


2014 – 2017


2011 – present
  • Communicate with local elementary, middle school, and high school teachers
  • Recruit volunteers, create activity bins for volunteers to use, and organize school visit schedule
  • Visit schools and interact with K-12 students and teachers

Summer School of Behavioral Neuroendocrinology (SSBN)

Laboratory Assistant

2005 – 2007
  • Taught behavioral neuroscience laboratory techniques to SSBN undergraduate students
  • Summer program supported by the National Science Foundation, a consortium of faculty from the University of Massachusetts, Michigan State University, the Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, Ohio State University, Northwestern University, and the University of Michigan


Books and Book Chapters

C. L. Henley & J. A. Cummings. (2022). Lynwood G. Clemens. In R. J. Nelson & Z. M. Weil (Eds.), Biographical history of behavioral neuroendocrinology (pp. 185–195). Springer International Publishing

C. L. Henley (2021) Foundations of Neuroscience OER. Michigan State Libraries

Invited Talks, Interviews, & Media Contributions

C.L. Henley (April 2023). Plenary Lightning Talk: Equity in the Classroom. Online Learning Consortium Innovate Annual Conference.

C.L. Henley, V. L. Hedges (Jan 2023; interview). Leading Where You Are. Provost Office, Michigan State University.

C.L. Henley, S. Thomas (Oct 2022; interview) University Professional and Continuing Education Association Phase I Consulting, Provost Office, Michigan State University.

C.L. Henley, S. Thomas, J. Earley (Apr 2022). Global Accessibility Awareness Day, NatSci Chronicles Podcast, College of Natural Science, Michigan State University.

C.L. Henley, K. Parkin (Nov 2021; presentation) Equitable Grading: Case studies and examples from the community. STEM Teaching Essentials, College of Natural Science, Michigan State University.

Evaluation of the Hyflex Course Model and Technology, Interview research participant (Fall 2021). Researcher: Dr. Caitlin Kirby, Enhanced Digital Learning Initiative, Michigan State University

Navigating Instructor Social Presence in an Online Learning Environment, Interviewed research participant (Jan, May 2021). Researcher: Anna Ankenbrand, Doctoral Candidate in Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education, Michigan State University.

C.L. Henley, N. Kane (Jun 2021; presentation) Microsoft Teams for Education. MSU IT, Michigan State University.

Featured in MSU Today (Oct 2020). Faculty Voice: Online instruction with compassion

Spartan Fireside, Guest (April 2020). Jeff Grabill, (Associate Provost for Teaching, Learning, and Technology), Mark Largent (Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education), and others from across MSU came together to build our Spartan community as we moved remote. 


C.L. Henley (Feb 2023; presentation). The Hyflex, Flipped Classroom. ComArtSci Teaching Fellows, College of Communication Arts and Sciences, Michigan State University.

C.L. Henley (Dec 2022; presentation). 3-Dimensional Learning Teachable Unit. STEM Teaching and Learning Fellows. College of Natural Science, Michigan State University

Improving Access, Affordability, and Achievement with OER: Lessons from the OER Program Awardees (May 2021; panel member). Spring Conference on Teaching, Learning, and Success, Academic Advancement Network, Michigan State University.

Instructors’ Experiences Supporting Three-Dimensional Learning at MSU (May 2021; panel member). Spring Conference on Teaching, Learning, and Success, Academic Advancement Network, Michigan State University.

Faculty Panel on use of OER (Mar 2021; panel member). Open Education Week 2021 event, ASMSU, Michigan State University.

C.L. Henley (May 2020; presentation) Using Class Teams in the Classroom. Spring Conference on Teaching, Learning, and Success, Academic Advancement Network, Michigan State University. *Conference canceled due to COVID-19

C.L. Henley, S. Thomas (May 2019; presentation) Classroom OneNote and Google Classroom: Two Case Studies. Spring Conference on Student Learning and Success, Academic Advancement Network, Michigan State University.

Accessibility through Creative Innovation Learning Community (May 2018; poster) Mad at MSU: Learning Community on Accessibility Focuses on Mental Disabilities in Academia. Spring Teaching and Learning Conference, Academic Advancement Network, Michigan State University.

Insights and Beyond Learning Community (May 2018; poster) Faculty, staff, student, and ethical issues in learning analytics: Reporting from the 2017-2018 analytics learning community. Spring Teaching and Learning Conference, Academic Advancement Network, Michigan State University.

Accessibility through Creative Innovation Learning Community (May 2017; poster) Spring Teaching and Learning Conference, Academic Advancement Network, Michigan State University.

C.L. Henley (December 2016) Online Student Discussion: Success and Failure. STEM Alliance Meeting, Michigan State University.

S. Thomas, C.L. Henley, C. McGreal, J. Bukovac-Phelps, E. Marcyk (December 2016) Moving from Accessibility to Universal Design for Learning: A Paradigm Shift from Fear to Hope. Instructional Technology Brown Bag Lunch Seminar, Making Learning Accessible conference, Michigan State University

S. Thomas, C.L. Henley, C. McGreal, T. McElhinny, J. Bukovac-Phelps, E. Marcyk (October 2016) Saving time addressing VISAs through Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Teaching and Learning seminar, Academic Advancement Network, Michigan State University.


Y. Xu, K. Halievski, C.L. Henley, W. Atchison, M. Katsuno, H. Adachi, G. Sobue, S.M. Breedlove, C.L. Jordan (2016) Defects in Neuromuscular Transmission May Underlie Motor Dysfunction in Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy, Journal of Neuroscience. 36, 5094-5106.

K. Halievski, C.L. Henley, J.E. Poort, M. Fu, S.M. Breedlove, C.L. Jordan (2015) Androgen-dependent decrease in muscle BDNF mRNA expression in a mouse model of spinal bulbar muscular atrophy, Experimental Neurology. 269, 224-32.

K. Halievski, C.L. Henley, M. Fu, M. Katsuno, H. Adachi, G. Sobue, S.M. Breedlove, C.L. Jordan (2013) Abstract (poster). Deficits in brain-derived neurotrophic factor may underlie motor dysfunction in spinal bulbar muscular atrophy. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

C.L. Henley, X. Cao, D.L. Kreulen (2011) Abstract (poster). Endothelin B receptor-mediated activation of NADPH oxidase alters norepinephrine-related gene expression in PC-12 cells. Experimental Biology Annual Meeting.

C.L. Henley, A.A. Nunez, L.G. Clemens (2011) Hormones of choice: The neuroendocrinology of partner preference in animals, Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. 32, 146-154.

C.L. Henley, D.L. Kreulen (2010) Abstract (poster). Reactive oxygen species alter mRNA expression of genes related to norepinephrine and endothelin regulation in PC12 cells. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

C.L. Henley, A.A. Nunez, L.G. Clemens (2010) Exogenous androgen during development alters adult partner preference and mating behavior in gonadally intact male rats, Hormones and Behavior. 57, 488-495.

D.L. Kreulen, L. Parker, M. Li, M. Esfahanian, C.L. Henley, G. Fink (2009) Abstract (talk). Cardiovascular actions of endothelin B receptors in sympathetic ganglia. Endothelin-11 Meeting.

C.L. Henley, A.A. Nunez, L.G. Clemens (2009) Neonatal estrogen treatment alters adult partner preference and reproductive behavior in female laboratory rats, Hormones and Behavior. 55, 68-75.

C.L. Henley, A.A. Nunez, L.G. Clemens (2008) Abstract (poster). Neonatal estrogen treatment masculinizes the partner preference of female laboratory rats. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting.

C.L. Henley, A.A. Nunez, L.G. Clemens (2007) Abstract (poster). Maternal behavior affects female offspring reproductive behavior. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Meeting.

C.L. McGovern, A.A. Nunez, L.G. Clemens (2004) Abstract (poster). Self-paced or non-paced copulation and Fos expression in the reward pathways of male and female rats. Proceedings of the Society for Neuroscience.

C.L. McGovern, A.A. Nunez, L.G. Clemens (2002) Abstract (poster). Perinatal androgen treatment and type of socio-sexual experience in adulthood influence partner preference of male rats. Proceedings of the Society for Neuroscience.

C.L. McGovern, Y. Chung, A.A. Nunez, L.G. Clemens (2001) Abstract (poster). Effects of guanethidine on the pelvic ganglia in relation to seminal emission and sperm transport. Proceedings of the Society for Neuroscience.

Y. Chung, C.L. McGovern, J.A. Wimmer, M. Tai, A.A. Nunez, L.G. Clemens (2001) Abstract (poster). Gestational exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls produces deficits in male sexual behavior in the laboratory rat. Proceedings of the Society for Neuroscience.